1st prize «Environmental / Work Portrait» €250 cash

Viet Van Tran | Vietnam

1st prize «Environmental / Work Portrait»

90 years old shoemaker

«…Mr Trinh Ngoc, a shoemaker in Saigon (Viet Nam) still working at the age of 90. He had studied at LEcole ABC De Dessin School in Paris (France), and made a lot of shoes by himself. For decades in his career, Mr. Trinh Ngoc made shoes for the Cambodian Royal family from the Queen to Prince Sihanouk and for many famous Vietnamese singers.
When I asked him: What is the most important thing in your life? Mr. Trinh Ngoc answered: My life is very simple, I just think: If you create joy for others, you will receive double happiness…»

Martin Miklas | Slovakia

Honorable mention «Environmental / Work Portrait»

Anticipation’s Glow

«…In a world of whispers, giggles, and fleeting dreams, a little lad of three, in tender moonlit beams,anxiously awaits a sibling yet to arrive, with a heart so pure, innocence alive.
First seconds of the “New Life” of a newborn – my second son.
Sony A 7II, FE 35mm f/2.8 ZA Carl Zeiss Sonnar, 1/100 sec, f/4, ISO 200. Lightroom…»
Martin Miklas is an award-winning conceptual documentary and fine-art photographer based in
Lisbon, originating from Bratislava, Slovakia. Recognized as a visual storyteller and a master of
«deepest darks,» Martin’s work delves into the profound impacts of climate change and biodiversity crises on the ocean.


Jana Stross | Czech Republic

Honorable mention «Environmental / Work Portrait»


«…The competition photograph «Concentration» is part of a set of black-and-white documentary portraits called Colleagues, which were photographed in the Central Operating Rooms of the Children’s Hospital Brno in the years 2018 – 2021, where I worked as a perioperative nurse.
«Just like in photography, light plays a very important role in the operating room. When I saw how the light rays from the operating lamps glided over the surgical gowns of the doctors, how the reflections from the surgical instruments and gloves reflected on their faces.» … And those emotions! Tension, calmness, poise, concentration… I had to take a picture of that!..»


Spyros Sansonetis | Greece

Honorable mention «Environmental / Work Portrait»

Rhodes, Fanes 2019

«…I have been photographing Fanes, the so-called ‘painted village’ of Rhodes and its inhabitants, since 2010. Unfortunately, every year I visit there are fewer and fewer peoprle. This is what also happened to Sevastoula. Since the last time I photographed her, she has been unable to be self supported. Sevastoula didn’t see this photo of her, perhaps her best, throughout the years I’ve been photographing her. She will not place it next to her famous Rhodian dishes this time honoring me by decorating it. For this is a photographer’s satisfaction; to see his photographs placed among family heirlooms and their few favorite objects…»

Spyros Sansonetis

Paul Braverman | United States

Honorable mention «Environmental / Work Portrait»

«…Like too many neighborhoods in Brooklyn, Cobble Hill has gentrified at lightning speed over the past decade. Everything is more expensive; generic national chains have replaced longstanding local establishments. Community Books (now the site of a real estate agency) was a welcome exception but it wasn’t an easy place to love. Even getting in the door -blocked by a wall of books- was hard. Only one person offered help and, while his knowledge of the inventory was uncanny, he was an intimidating presence. I remember feeling proud when my 8-year old son drew himself up to his full 128 cm and asked if he had any books about Michael Jordan. He had quite a few. How could we have missed them?…»

Michael Eckart | Germany

Honorable mention «Environmental / Work Portrait»

‘’Confident’’ Bali, Indonesia «…I like to photograph subjects that most people don’t see. There are no bad motives, just those that go unnoticed. I noticed this young woman cleaning the hotel floor in a large hotel complex in Bali. She approached this task very conscientiously, as if it were the best job in the world. Her charisma was positive and full of joy for life. When I asked her if I could take a portrait of hers, she confidently posed with her mop. Our «portrait shooting» lasted less than 3 minutes….» Nikon Z7 II • Nikon Z 24-70 mm f/2.8 S • 28 mm • 1/60 sec • f2.8 • ISO 640 • Date 2023-04-19 @my_pics.me

Sotirios Kapsalakis | Greece

Honorable mention «Environmental / Work Portrait»

The lift «…My participation with the photo ”The lift”  is taken while exploring the form of the artist and the object being fluid while exploring the dance of creation and focus. A way to express…» @Sotodemaderaphoto Sotirios Kapsalakis

Vasilis Kaymenakis | Greece

Honorable mention «Environmental / Work Portrait»

Bonds of Mutual Trust «…The tradition of the departure of Kalymnian sponge divers’ boats heading to the shores of Africa was revived in the island of Chalki, where it would last for 7-8 months. As part of these events, a young Kalymnian female diver descended using the traditional diving suit of the sponge divers. The photograph was taken just before the dive, as the instructor gave the final instructions to the diver…» @vasiliskaimenakis_ vaskay

Mark Seymour | United Kingdom

Honorable mention «Environmental / Work Portrait»

Cuban Worker «…Taken on a recent tour of Havana I spotted this worker taking a rest. The lighting was beautiful . Taken on a Sony A9 camera with 35mm lens at f/4.5…» markseymourphotography.co.uk www.shootthestreet.co.uk

Alberto Colognato | Italy

Honorable mention «Environmental / Work Portrait»

The world on the shoulders of a clown «…This is a real clown who lends himself to being photographed. He embodies the character of the sad clown affected by life’s problems. The photograph was taken in the studio with a single light diffuser on the right side. Shot with Canon EOS R6 MkII with 24-105 lens…» @albertocolognato

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